Hip, Hip Hooray for the Holiday!
Happy Holidays friends! December was such an exciting month for me this year, and I want to share some of the awesome things that happened with you. I have been an Etsy shop owner for almost 5 years, and I have hesitated to take the plunge to open my own website and start an email list because I felt like I didn't have anything exciting to share. I was so wrong. I am constantly finding myself with an overload of content that I would love to share so this roundup is Decembers highlights.
#1. Facebook Live Podcast Interview
I was so honored to finally be featured on my bestie's podcast Memories in Moments. Allison, of Allison Carter Celebrates started a podcast for moms that shares tangible tips for parents to make memories and realistic ways for us to celebrate and has interviewed some amazing guests. During our episode, Allison and I talked about how important it is to slow down and celebrate, especially during the holidays. Since we are local, we did an exclusive Facebook Live recording of the interview, which you can watch here or listen to the podcast episode here. I may be biased, but I think we covered some great topics, especially for work from home moms. I would be forever grateful if you would leave Allison a review after you listen. That girl has some awesome goals, one of which is to be a #1 podcast in the kids and family category. How awesome is that?!

#2. Catch my Party Instagram Feature
I was having one of those parenting days that are not the cherished moments and celebrations I talked about on my podcast. Yes, I am a real life mom too that isn't all sunshine and rainbows. I had finally gotten the kids to bed and sat down at my computer to work with a big sigh of relief and a few tears too. My phone rang and it was a message from Allison with a screenshot of MY kids birthday party featured on Catch my Party's Instagram 😭. Queue more tears. This was such a proud moment for me and the timing was a perfect reminder for that particular day of mommin'. I continued to watch the "like" count grow on the post for days and I still feel so proud to see my picture featured on such a big party site!

#3. My Gratitude and Mindset Journal
I started a project in October that I am so excited about. I had envisioned this being a #1 selling Christmas gift in my shop, and little did I know that designing my journal was the easy part, getting it commercially printed was a whole different story. The hopes of having my Gratitude and Mindset Journal in time for Christmas faded after numerous prototypes from various printers fell short of my dreams, but my persistence has paid off and I finally found a publisher to not only create my journal and bring my vision to life, but expand and grow the outreach of the original scope of the design. I expect to be sharing my new journal with you in January 2019 in my Etsy shop, on my website and on Amazon. I cannot wait! I have fun plans for a journal launch filled with giveaways, champagne toasts and brand ambassadors, so make sure to sign up for my email list at the bottom of my website so you don't miss any of the pre-release sales and excitement!

#4. Custom Stationary Set Palooza!
This was a hot item this year for Christmas gifts, and the unique, personalized gift is always one of my favorites to give! These stationary sets were flying off the printers as fast as I could make them. If you had friends get engaged over the holiday, make sure to check out this unique gift for a bride to be! It is perfect for engagement party or bridal shower gifts.

Thank you so much for your love and support, and wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.